My daughter Charlotte asked me who my favorite baseball player in the Hall of Fame was--and, after explaining that none of the current or recent New York Mets were in the Hall--I told her my favorite was Jackie Robinson. I chose Jackie not because of the ball player he was, though obviously he was an excellent one. I chose Jackie for the person he was, and for the influence he had on others, and on the world.
Jackie Robinson said: "A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives."
Mark Twain said: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
These are two of the most powerful quotes I've ever read, and I try to live by both every day. I believe I was born to help build a more "likeable" world for my children, my family, and those who I affect through my writing, speaking, teaching, and leading. I believe I was born to help my children and others become more transparent, authentic leaders who put others' needs first.
-- Dave Kerpen, Inc., 7/8/13 (also Super Quiz, 9/18/20)